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Howto: Beat Dishonest Trader/People 101
There is one legal & 110% guaranteed way for getting what you paid for, and ensuring timely deliveries.
Instead of paying cash (small down payment or full amount), issue a Post-Dated Cheque.
The Cheque should be dated either on the exact date of promised delivery or a day after the promised delivery date.
With this, you are 1000% guaranteed that the trader will fulfill his/her delivery promises, as the trader cannot bank in for cash prior to the date printed on the cheque.
If trader failed to delivery, just call your bank to cancel the Cheque.
If everyone does this, I'm sure that dishonest traders/people will be history.
Try it.
Enforced it. ... If trader refuses to accept, find another trader instead.
--- Quote from: LookingIn on August 07, 2015, 09:51:16 PM ---
Instead of paying cash (small down payment or full amount), issue a Post-Dated Cheque.
Enforced it. ... If trader refuses to accept, find another trader instead.
--- End quote ---
Good idea with thanks.
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