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Author Topic: 2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (Public Support Group)  (Read 156353 times)

Offline greentara

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2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (Public Support Group)
« on: April 11, 2015, 01:38:12 PM »
Background to this Support Group

Studio demands compensation from more than 500 people here who downloaded movie
Published on Apr 7, 2015 9:16 PM
By Irene Tham

MORE than 500 people in Singapore have allegedly downloaded Oscar-winning film Dallas Buyers Club illegally over the Internet, and now they may have to face the music.

United States company Dallas Buyers Club LLC, which owns the film rights, wants compensation.

Acting on its behalf in Singapore - as part of its global campaign - is local law firm Samuel Seow Law Corporation.

The film studio has apparently identified more than 500 Singapore Internet protocol (IP) addresses, from subscribers of the three major Internet service providers (ISPs) - Singtel, StarHub and M1 - where the movie was downloaded illegally.

Over the weekend, the law firm reportedly started sending letters to Internet users here asking for a written offer of damages and costs within three days of receiving the letter.

It is not known how many have responded to the letter.

The 2013 film is based on the true story of an American's quest to treat HIV in the mid-1980s. It won three Academy Awards, including Best Actor for Matthew McConaughey and Best Supporting Actor for Jared Leto.

Intellectual property lawyer Cyril Chua of ATMD Bird & Bird said the film studio may sue a few individuals here to scare people into paying the settlement fee, which is not made public.

Lawyer Bryan Tan, a technology partner at Pinsent Masons MPillay, said those who received the letters of demand should seek legal advice. "There are penalties for infringers if this goes all the way," he said.

Lawyer Samuel Seow reportedly said its client, Dallas Buyers Club, "fully intends to protect and defend their copyright in the movie and shall take all necessary actions to protect the same".

The Straits Times understands that the film company had asked for subscriber details from the ISPs last year, but failed.

It then made a "pre-action discovery" application at the High Court earlier this year to force the ISPs to release customer details.

M1 was the first to comply with the court order in January to release the names, IC numbers and addresses of subscribers linked to the IP addresses in question. StarHub, which also received the court order, said it is in the process of complying with it.

Singtel said it has yet to receive a court order.

MyRepublic and ViewQwest said they did not receive any request for subscriber details.

Dallas Buyers Club is also going after about 4,700 Internet users in Australia, after securing a landmark court judgment yesterday that compels ISPs there to hand over customer details.

In the US, more than 1,000 users are being sued.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 11:09:02 AM by greentara »

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Re: PUBLIC: 2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (Support Group)
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2015, 01:59:06 PM »
Related discussions on the Dallas Buyers Club (DBC)

Received threatening letter for downloading movie. Need advice...

Round 2+1 (Sep 2015 to (a) 2020 or (b) once DBC/SSLC decided to leave Singapore alone - whichever earlier): Crowdfunding for DBC-SG (all remaining affected subscribers)

Round 2 (July-Aug 2015): Crowdfunding for DBC-SG (for Singtel, Starhub & M1)

Round 1 (Apr-May 2015): Crowdfunding for DBC-SG

DBC-SG Crowdfunding Campaigns:

Reddit: Someone received a letter from a law firm for downloading a movie

Reddit: Dallas Buyers Club downloads: M1 passed customer details to law firm on court order

Start crowdfunding and countersue the dallas club (Inactive)

[DBC] Centralised Discussion/Voting Platform (Inactive)

Members affacted by Dallas Buyers Club Movi (Inactive)

Dallas Buyers Club case: Uphill task to sue users, say lawyers (inactive)

(DBC) Popcorn Time Users Who Watched 'Dallas Buyers Club' Targeted By Hollywood (inactive)

░░░░░THE BEST SOLUTION to the 'Dallas Buyers Club' illegal DL/Sharing LEGAL THREAT PROBLEM░░░░░  (inactive)

Hollywood Goes After Illegal Downloaders In Singapore

Hollywood film Dallas Buyers Club goes after illegal downloaders in S'pore

Telcos reveal the names of those who download

Facebook: Say NO to Speculative Invoicing in Australia

Petitioning Shadow Minister for Communications & Broadband Malcolm Turnbull MP and 1 other: Reject Dallas Buyers Club application for ISP Customer information

In Australia: Dallas Buyers Club Threatening Letters

In Australia: Dallas Buyers Club LLC Vs. Crowdfunding

« Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 06:26:47 PM by greentara »

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Verification Process for the private DBC-SG Support Group
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2015, 02:21:48 PM »
1. There is a separate section within this forum that is ONLY open to the 500+ people (Affected Parties or AP) who have received the letter from Samuel Seow Law Corp. "PRIVATE: 2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore Support Group":,13.0.html

2. However if you are not one of the 500+ people but have useful & constructive information or suggestions for them, you may post it here or any of the related DBC related threads in HWZ.

3. Newly registered users who wish to be included in the DBC-SG Private Support Group would need to be verified first and I will be personally doing this verification.

To verify that are indeed one of the 500+ people (or family members / relatives) who have received the letter, you need to prepare these materials:

  • (a) a scan pdf/photos of the 2-4 pages of registered letter from SSLC (showing your full name, partial address & partial NRIC/EP/WP/DP number), and
  • (b) a scan pdf/photos of the several pages of 'Order of Court + Annex' from DBC to your Telco
  • (c) a scan copy/photo of the envelope front cover of the registered letter (showing your full name and partial address), and
  • (d) a scan pdf/photos of your NRIC/EP/WP/DP card, both sides (showing your full name, partial address & partial NRIC/EP/WP/DP number), and
  • (e) if available, a scan pdf/photos of counter-offer letter from SSLC/DBC (eg. one where they make you an offer ranging between S$3,000 to S$6,000), and
  • (f) your registered username in the forum (so that I can give you the access rights to the private support group).

4. Assemble the above materials 3(a) to 3(e) into a single .ZIP file [Filename format: Name(ForumUsername).zip] and email it to me at for verification and approval into the private DBC-SG Support Group. Note that if you have sent incomplete materials, you are still required to resent 3(a) to 3(e) into a single .ZIP file in your subsequent email, rather than in bits and pieces.

5. 13 July 2015 Update: Till now, verified affected parties (less than 45) are NOT required to pay a single cent to benefit from the 1st and 2nd crowdfunds. Having spoke to the IP defense lawyer, I was advised by him that this scheme is not sustainable especially in view that it is highly probable that majority of the 500+ subscribers have yet to receive the demand letter. Moving forward, this is the updated plan, there is a fee of USD150. However,
if the subscriber is a full-time student or is unemployed, then you may contribute only USD9 (with supporting documentation such as Student ID & CPF recent 15 months transaction records). The fee enables:

  • (i) Full access to the DBC-SG Private Support Forum, and
  • (ii) the fee are publicly collected via the on-going DBC-SG Crowdfunding Campaign: (there is no end/closing date for now), and
  • (iii) the Usage of the DBC-SG crowdfund is published here:
  • (iv) access to a competent and qualified IP Defense lawyer to handle SSLC on your behalf, and
  • (v) access to a competent and qualified Computer Forensic expert (working on a pro-bono basis in the background and may act as a Court Forensic Expert Witness when the occasion arise); and
  • (vii) access to all the collective funds from Round 1, 2 and ongoing round(s) to cover your legal fees (with the appointed IP defense lawyer).

When you make your contribution, you may click on the 'Hide my name on the campaign page' checkbox at the bottom of the page and your name will be hidden from the public.

By default, the Indiegogo platform sends me an email whenever there is a new contribution with your name and thus I will be able to activate your private forum membership within the next 24 hours.

For the record, 100% of the crowd funds go to the IP defense lawyer and I am only a pro-bono administrator of the crowd funds.
Public accounting of the DBC-SG crowd funds can be found in this thread:


Dr. Green.

NB1: Partial address includes (a) Blk number (b) Street address and (c) Postal code - you may blur out your unit number

NB2: Partial NRIC/EP/WP/DP number includes just the last 5 digits of your NRIC/EP/WP/DP number - you may blur out other information such as birth date, blood type, photo, etc.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 09:28:06 PM by greentara »

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« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 11:00:44 PM by greentara »

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Re: PUBLIC: 2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (Support Group)
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2015, 07:30:47 PM »
UK: Lords debate how to STOP ACS LAWs "Legal Blackmail"

UK: ACS LAW and Tilly Bailey Irvine "New entrants to the hall of infamy"

AU: Should ISPs Be Compelled To Hand Over Customer Data? - SciTech Culture

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Re: PUBLIC: 2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (Support Group)
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2015, 04:31:25 PM »
Channel NewsAsia Documentary (25mins) relating to Copyright Trolls, Speculative Invoicing, Torrent, Peer-to-Peer file sharing and more


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Re: PUBLIC: 2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (Support Group)
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2015, 01:30:13 PM »
《狮城有约》节目重温 4月16日


Dallas Buyers Club related from 13:05 to 24:14 (11 mins):

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Specification for DBC-SG Support Group Crowdfunding Campaign
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2015, 09:37:21 PM »
Specification for DBC-SG Support Group [DBC-SG] Crowdfunding Campaign (v2.0, July 2015)

A. Voltage Pictures ("Voltage"), an American film production house, has, through a local subsidiary Dallas Buyers Club ("DBC") and its solicitors Samuel Seow Law Corporation ("SSLC") sent letters of demand ("LODs") to many customers of local ISP M1, Singtel & Starhub [1,2].

B. The LODs alleged that the recipients (the "Affected Parties" or AP) have downloaded a movie, also called Dallas Buyers Club (the "Movie"), using BitTorrent ("BT") in an illegal manner, an open source P2P file sharing software. There are also others (the "To-be Affected Parties" or tbAP) that have yet to receive the letters as intel suggests that SSLC sent out the letters in batches.

C. There are several types [3] of Crowdfunding (i) Reward-based, (ii) Equity, (iii) Debt-based, (iv) Litigation and (v) Charity. The DBC-SG Crowdfunding Campaign is designed to be a variant of Reward-based + Litigation. The Perks/Rewards is outlined in (Section L).

D. The objectives of our DBC-SG Crowdfunding Campaign are:
To relieve the distress of both the AP and To-be AP. Relieving of distress of the AP & tbAP is through the availability of this Support Group and
  • (i) funds to hire a defence IP lawyer for AP,
  • (ii) negotiation for settlement where necessary,
  • (iii) for hiring forensic expert to challenge DBC's digital evidence - involving Date, Time, Filename, IP address, Geolocation and a SHA-1 hash code
  • (iv) educate AP the importance of IP & IT security.

E. A large part of the funds raised from the DBC-SG crowdfunding campaign shall be used to cover the costs in achieving the objectives see Section D. In terms of priority, achieving D.i & D.iv are highest priority, followed by D.ii and/or D.iii - largely depending on amount raised.

F. Only verified Affected Parties shall be the beneficiaries of the fund. Our verification process is outline here:,37.msg138.html#msg138

G. Additionally, verified Affected Parties shall be required to:
  • i) sign a letter of undertaking (regardless of whether AP has downloaded the Movie) that the AP will refrain from downloading any commercial movie by way of any illegal means in the future, and
  • ii) attend a 3-hour Basic IP & IT security workshop.

H. 3-hour basic Computer Forensics, IT security & Intellectual Property Workshop:
  • i) First hour: Covering the basics of Intellectual Property, in particular Copyright and the importance of respecting IP, and
  • ii) Next 2 hours: Covering Computer Forensics processes, tools and techniques and basic IT security topics such as how the Internet works (eg. IP address, Geolocation, SHA-1 hash codes) and how to secure their computer networks. Participants will also be introduce to various legitimate avenues to the downloading/streaming of movies and music.
[We are open to sponsorship opportunities from Training Providers (to conduct the workshop) & Venue owners. Feel free to explore full-sponsorship, partial-sponsorship possibilities with us]

I. There is a possibility of excess funds. Excess is defined as additional contributions above the Perk value. For example, if the Perk value is $49 and someone selected this Perk and contributed $100, the excess is therefore $59.

In the event that there is an excess funds, these options shall be open for public voting among the fund contributors:
  • (a) Refund/Prorating the excess funds, or
  • (b) Donating the excess refund to Community Chest of Singapore, or
  • (c) Distributing the excess refund to AP who have settled with SSLC if and only if they have make contributions to the DBC-SG Support Group in one way or another.

J. Funds contributors may choose to be publicly acknowledged and the three means are: (a) by name, (b) by online forum name, or (c) anonymous.

K. Crowdfunding Campaign is on the Indiegogo platform.

L. The Indiegogo related 'Perks' for the funds contributors are:
  • P1, $9: No Speculative Invoicing Statement: To make a statement that Speculative Invoicing is not acceptable
  • P2, $49: Intel: Document on BitTorrent Copyright Trolling: Dallas Buyers Club LLC and its Speculative Invoicing World Wars
  • P3, $99: Public Support Group: Creation & Hosting of a Public Support Group within the forum
  • P4, $499: Intel Full: Compilation of Data/Info/Intel relating to DBC worth $499
  • P5, $899: Private Support Group: Creation & Hosting of a Private Support Group within forum
  • P6, $2999: Defence Computer Forensics Evidence: Forensic defense, source codes & evidence against Dallas Buyers Club LLC

M. Delivery Timeline & Condition
  • P1: Immediate
  • P2: December 2015
  • P3: Upon conclusion of the Crowdfunding Campaign
  • P4: December 2015
  • P5: Upon conclusion of the Crowdfunding Campaign
  • P6: Either after the 1st court case in Singapore or June 2016, whichever is earlier.
There is a condition attached to P2, P4 & P6: P2, P4 & P6. The condition is such that these perks are only available to those without an interest in DBC LLC, ie. neither DBC related entities nor DBC appointed firms. Funders found to be associated with DBC LLC shall be barred from these perks with no refund.

O. The web link to the Crowdfunding Campaign is

« Last Edit: July 12, 2015, 08:44:41 AM by greentara »

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FAQ for DBC-SG Crowdfunding Campaign
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2015, 08:18:47 AM »
FAQ for DBC-SG Crowdfunding Campaign (v2.0, July 2015)

Q1. What are all these Copyright Trolls, Speculative Invoicing, DBC business all about?
A1: Check out an excellent online video documentary "Between the Lines" from CNA,

Q2: What is the background of this DBC-SG?
A2: See,37.msg136.html#msg136

Q3: What is the website to the Crowdfunding Campaign?

Q4: Tell me more about the DBC-SG Support Group
A4: The DBC-SG Support Group was established on 11 April 2015 to provide assistance and support to the 500+ affected parties (less than 10% are verified).A private support platform was also established on 12 April 2015 where DBC related data/info/intel are shared among the verified affected parties

Q5: How can we contact you for more information?
A5: You may write to ipresearch70(at)
You may also drop by our online Chat platform,

Q6: Who are involved in this project?
A6: An Exco team was initiated on 16 April 2015 as it became apparent that we need a team to support the Group in order for this effort to be sustainable. Exco team as at 28 April 2015:
  • Chairwoman: Dr. T. Green
  • Researcher: Caroline
  • Indiegogo Team members & Online Chat Moderators: Caroline & Mel
  • Others: Foxtrot, KingKong and Trinity
Q7: How can you be sure that the beneficiaries of the funds go to the Affected Parties?
A7: The verification process is outlined here:,37.msg138.html#msg138

Q8: Based on the media reports, there are several hundreds of IP addresses that were deemed to be associated with the download of the Dallas Buyers Club movie, so why not let the Singapore Laws deal with it?
A8: "(a) National sovereignty - DBC/SSLC have set vague/arbitrary level(s) of compensation, which should be decided by the Court - not foreign companies. Some have brought up statutory backstops. However, it should be noted that these backstops DO NOT OPERATE IN A LEGAL VACUUM. They depend on case law that CANNOT BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED ACROSS DIFFERENT FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES. Therefore, the efficacy of these statutory backstop(s) are UNKNOWN AND UNTESTED, especially because, apart from ODEX 10 years ago, this is a NOVEL LEGAL SITUATION.
(b) Privacy - the High Court should be discouraged from granting leave for pre-action discovery(ies) involving so many parties and so much highly private/personal information. This is one of the key goals - we should, whether affected or not, make a clear stand on this matter."

Q9: What is the target amount set for the crowdfunding campaign?
A9: The minimum is now set to $500 as per Indiegogo platform minimum amount. Higher amount raised will enable the team will aid the community in different ways.

Q10: Aid the community in what different ways?
A10: Depending on the amount raised, we would be able to help the community in the follow ways:
  • i) Below $5,000: Funds will be used for defence legal fees & possibly settlement fees
  • ii) Between $5k to $45,000: In addition to the previous, we will engage at least one computer forensic expert witness to identify the flaws in DBC forensic evidence & its chain of custody.
  • iii) Between $45k to 50k: In addition to the previous, we will arrange for a public educational workshop on a related IP & IT topics. We may even be able to cover part of the airfare/lodging for overseas fund contributors.
  • iv) Above $50k: In addition to the previous, if the fund contributors agree, we will be able to pay it forward by funding the other crowdfunding campaigns of DBC-US, DBC-AU, and DBC-OtherCty cases.    

Q11: How will the funds raised be used to support the DBC-SG Support Group?
A11: To relieve the distress of both the AP and To-be AP. Relieving of distress of the AP & tbAP is through the availability of this Support Group and
  • (i) funds to hire a defence IP lawyer for AP,
  • (ii) negotiation for settlement where necessary,
  • (iii) for hiring forensic expert to challenge DBC's digital evidence - involving Date, Time, Filename, IP address, Geolocation and a SHA-1 hash code
  • (iv) educate AP the importance of IP & IT security.

Q12: I want to contribute but I have financial constraints. Can I contribute in-kind?
A12: It is the thought that counts and thank-you for your kind thoughts. You may contribute in-kind. One suggestion is to make a prayer in your own faith for all the stakeholders involved in the DBC-SG Support Group. Singapore is a multi-religion society. Any prayer in any faith is welcome, be it by a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Catholic, Buddhist, Taoist, ... every prayer counts.

Q13: What if you run away with the fund raised?
A13: One should live this life creating virtuous actions and refrain from non-virtuous actions. I have no plan to create non-virtuous action by running away with the money. Moreover, integrity is a value that I cherished a lot and it it is most irrational of me to destroy my integrity by running away with the funds raised be it $20,000 or $20 million.
Remember David Rasif - a high profile and competent ex-lawyer in Singapore, he cheated his clients of over S$10million.,47.0.html
Many of these criminals do not understand this, while they can run away with lots of money and probably never get caught in this life; these criminals will still have to answer for their crimes in the next life. For atheists who are laughing at me now, keep on laughing because the distress and torment that people like Rasif have inflicted on their immediate family members during the first few months is probably unbearable.

Q14: Will the accounting of the funds be made public or private?
A14: It will be made public through this website:
Additional tools may be introduced as we progress.

Q15: After reading the FAQ, while I am financially able to contribute $2 to the crowdfunding campaign, I am still unsure that the fund raised will benefit the verified Affected Parties within the DBC-SG Support Group.
A15: I understand, thank-you for your consideration and you may contribute in-kind.

Q16: Is there any safeguard in place to ensure that the appointed lawyer will not over charged?
A16: I will review the bills with selected DBC-SG Support Group Exco team.

Singapore, (2015), "Singapore Statutes Online - 63 - Copyright Act", Retrieved April 14, 2015, from;ident=3b65c903-dd82-467d-ab99-9fcc1ef79a33;page=0;query=DocId%3A%22e20124e1-6616-4dc5-865f-c83553293ed3%22%20Status%3Ainforce%20Depth%3A0;rec=0
TSIH. (2012), "The Speculative Invoicing Handbook, Second Edition", Retrieved April 14, 2015, from
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 11:00:31 PM by greentara »

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Re: PUBLIC: 2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (Support Group)
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2015, 11:18:49 AM »
We have set up an Exco for the "DBC-SG Support Group" and is currently on a Recruitment Drive.

  • Chairwoman: Yours Truly
  • Social Media / Facebook Strategists
  • Media Strategists
  • Researchers (Unlimited Positions)
  • Computer Forensics Experts
  • Knowledge Management Managers
  • Other Positions (open to proposals)

1. Positions are opened for nomination / self-nomination (via PM or public) but you will need to reference (via PM or public) your past postings / contributions (in HWZ or elsewhere) to support your nomination.

2. JD for each position is largely defined by yourself - let us know what you can contribute.

3. Affected Parties may also nominate themselves and need NOT inform any of the Exco team members that you are an Affected Party.

4. There shall be no physical meet-up nor exchange of telephone numbers.

5. All Exco interactions shall be virtual, secure and anonymous on a separate platform. More info on this platform at a later stage.

6. The list of Exco team members may be published in HWZ BUT we will leave it to the Exco members whether the team is to be anonymously make known to the public.

7. The Chairwoman has the additional power to retire any Exco team member.

8. Those interested and qualify may apply to us here support(at)

Recruitment for Researchers [Unlimited Vacanies]

Job Description:  Researchers shall be involved in the  identification and gathering of  global data, information and  intelligence relating to Voltage  Entertainment and Dallas Buyers Club  and their Speculative Invoicing  World Wars.

R1. Most important: Deemed to be trustworthy & reliable individual  by the DBC-SG Support Group Exco team (past postings in HWZ is one  indicator, among others)
R2.  Pass the pre-application test which involved the reporting of at  least 2 novel  pieces of data, info or intelligence (eg. the reporting  of #1 from 'Charlie')
R3. Good internet search skills is essential
R4. Access to various commercial databases (eg. Lawnet, Sciencedirect, ...) is advantageous but optional

Additional information:
A1. Researchers shall be compensated in the following way(s):

  • (a) Karma/Brownie points from your Lord (for all faiths),
  • (b)  Atheist will earn goodwill and appreciation from the 500+  Affected Parties, Thousands of Affected Parties in other countries  (past, present  & future) and the HWZ/other communities,
  • (c) unconfirmed honorarium from "Dr. Green's Foundation" when it is set up in the future (first targeted launch date is 2018).

A2. Those interested should only apply AFTER you have completed R2 (in the above).
A3. After you have completed R2, you may send me an email (with R2 deliverables), ipresearch(at)
A4. Most of whom are not accepted would probably be due to R1 due to  their prior HWZ limited postings. However, you may build your online  credibility further through regular (constructive) posting in this  thread or other DBC related HWZ threads.

#1: Voltage Pictures (Nicolas Chartier) & TCYK, LLC, Dismissed in TN – Go Back To TX[/B] (updated 18 Apr 2014)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 07:38:46 PM by greentara »

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Re: PUBLIC: 2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (Support Group)
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2015, 11:23:53 AM »
1. In preparation of the crowdfunding campaign for Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (DBC-SG) where the primary beneficiaries of the funds raised are the 500+ people who have received or will be receiving the letter from SSLC.

2. Specification for DBC-SG Support Group: [DBC-SG] Crowdfunding Campaign:,37.msg162.html#msg162

3. Recruitment Drive for DBC-SG Crowdfunding Associates:
  • Crowdfunding Advisor(s): Preferably one who has experience in at least one successful Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, or other crowdfunding platforms.
  • Crowdfunding Video Producer: To design the 30 secs pitching video
  • Crowdfunding Video Script Proofreader: To write or proofread the 30 secs pitching script
  • Crowdfunding Video Narrator: To read the pitching script (Position is filled)
  • Crowdfunding Social Media Influencers Strategist(s): To identify a list of Singapore Blogging Influencers and subsequently determine if they are interest to help promote our cause
Contact me if you are willing and have time to contribute in any of the above role (even 1 min is good enough for me).

4. FAQ for DBC-SG Crowdfunding Campaign:,37.msg163.html#msg163

5. The earliest this campaign will be launched is next week 22-26 Apr. Latest by 27Apr-3May.

Low crime doesn't mean no crime.
IP Hub doesn't mean Speculative Invoicing.

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Re: PUBLIC: 2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (Support Group)
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2015, 03:28:08 PM »
Urgent Request #1

1. I need the 24 Affected  Parties (from the HWZ Poll) who have indicated that they have received the letter from SSLC to contact me -  those who are already verified can ignore this request.

2. Note that if you think you may be receiving the letter but has not, pls  refrain from contacting me as far as this request is concerned - do  so if and only if you have the letter.

Request #2

The team is working on a crowdfunding Press Kit and will be ready in several times time.

Target audience would be 80% from Singapore and 20% the rest of the world for now. Planned indiegogo perks will cover all these groups: DBC-SG, DBC-DK, DBC-US, DBC-AU, and DBC-Others, BittorrentCopyrightTrolls-World... United We Stand.

We would like to reach out to both the media and social media with the Press Kit and ask if they are able to support us by writing a short piece of article for publication in-sync with our 1st day of Crowdfunding launch.

If you have friends in the:
  • F1. Mainstream media: Straits Times, TODAY, Mediacorp, New York Times, Guardian, Times, ...
  • F2. Social media: Singapore-based bloggers/influencers, Facebook/Twitter/Snapshot/Pinterest influencers, Reddit, ...

Would like to co-ordinate the efforts so that the Press is not swamp and deem us as spam.

If you contacts to F1 and/or F2 (preferably their email address) or is willing to contact them, please contact me and I'll organise this accordingly.


Update & Request #3

1. Digital forensics for the IP defence team is in progress. In addition, based on publicly available documents, DBC digital evidence contains more issues than they are willing to admit in public. Perhaps efforts from the DBC-SG Support Group can benefit our Australia friends as well (95% confidence level).

2. For the 77+ M1 users (regardless of whether you have settled with SSLC) who have received the letter, please PM me the exact DBC filename in Section 4 of your letter, eg. "Dallas Buyers Club 2013 BRRIP x264 AC3-RARBG"

3. DO NOT post the filename stated in your letter in public - your filename may be unique and thus identifiable by SSLC.

Request #4: Moderators for 24/7 Crowdfunding Chat Platform

1. For this crowdfunding campaign, it is designed to be global in nature, where fund contributors from overseas will also be welcome.

2. Unlike HWZ forumers and those based in Singapore who may be familiar with this DBC-SG Support Group Crowdfunding Campaign, our overseas friends and family members, in particular from Australia, USA, Denmark and elsewhere may be new to our initiative.

3. An easy to use and anonymous 24/7 chat platform will be made available to support this Crowdfunding campaign. This 24/7 chat platform shall is open and will remain open for months even after the actual Crowdfunding Campaign is over. You may access the anonymous chat platform (you may login as guest if you wish) here:

4. Therefore, the DBC-SG Support Group Exco team would like to gather several "DBC-SG Crowdfunding Chat Platform" moderators.

Your role (during your spare time, even 5 mins is good enough for me) is as follows:

  • Familiarise yourself with the Campaign specs & FAQ
  • If a question raised from the public is already answered in the FAQ, you may refer them to that question
  • If the question is novel, pls help us compile the question and PM me the question so that the Exco team can formally address it (need 36 hours). You may also want to give them a reply if the question is not too difficult or new
  • In the rare event that we have trolls who try to intimidate others, you have our blessings guide them initially but to be firm and ban them outrightif they persist.

PM me if you are able to and have spare time (at least 5 mins a day) to be the Crowdfunding Chat Platform moderator.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 01:27:29 PM by greentara »

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« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 09:02:45 PM by greentara »

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Re: 2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (Public Support Group)
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2015, 11:08:26 AM »
Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaign:

« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 11:49:48 PM by greentara »

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Re: 2015 Dallas Buyers Club - Singapore (Public Support Group)
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2015, 02:11:44 PM »
A compilation of the Media Coverage for the Crowdfunding Campaign is documented in the Fund Raising section, see