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Author Topic: Toothpick Woman in MRT [Certified Disgusting]  (Read 6699 times)

Offline greentara

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Toothpick Woman in MRT [Certified Disgusting]
« on: July 08, 2019, 07:39:24 PM »


1. This auntie in black top just committed a *crime*.

2. Specifically, she committed this crime under the Singapore Penal Code: "Voluntarily causing hurt" which reads "321. Whoever does any act with the intention of thereby causing hurt to any person, or with the knowledge that he is likely thereby to cause hurt to any person, and does thereby cause hurt to any person, is said “voluntarily to cause hurt.

Reference: Penal Code,
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 04:39:50 PM by greentara »

Offline greentara

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« Last Edit: July 08, 2019, 08:40:07 PM by greentara »

Offline greentara

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Re: Black top lady with a toothpick in MRT [Certified Disgusting]
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2019, 08:22:02 PM »
Furthermore, if the toothpick lady pricked into the boy's eye, her charge may be upgraded to a more serious one, ie. "Voluntarily causing grievous hurt"

322.  Whoever voluntarily causes hurt, if the hurt which he intends to cause or knows himself to be likely to cause is grievous hurt, and if the hurt which he causes is grievous hurt, is said “voluntarily to cause grievous hurt”.

Explanation.— A person is not said voluntarily to cause grievous hurt except when he both causes grievous hurt and intends or knows himself to be likely to cause grievous hurt. But he is said voluntarily to cause grievous hurt if, intending or knowing himself to be likely to cause grievous hurt of one kind, he actually causes grievous hurt of another kind.

Illustration: A, intending or knowing himself to be likely permanently to disfigure Z’s face, gives Z a blow which does not permanently disfigure Z’s face but which causes Z to suffer severe bodily pain for the space of 20 days. A has voluntarily caused grievous hurt."
