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Author Topic: Guys from Eskom to change lightbulbs for free [Certified Nuisance]  (Read 4862 times)

Offline greentara

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[Whatsapp Circulation]

Version 1
Be alert....3 or 4 guys from Singapore may visit your home claiming that they are from a water company, and are here to install shower caps, to save water. They might also claim to be from Eskom, here to change lightbulbs for free! They have been spotted in several areas of Singapore. Please do not let them in, they are robbers. Please foward to all your contacts, you might save a life. Make sure the front door is locked at all times.

Version 2
NTUC scam is going on, pls DO NOT participate on any online survey and provide personal details.
Someone called NTUC to verify. Scam is going on via whatsapp, phone calls and email.  Screenshot is an example of the scam. Please share...Thank you.
FYI - Be alert...3 or 4 guys may visit your home claiming that they are from a water supply company, and are here to install shower caps, to save water. They might also claim to be from Eskom, here to change lightbulbs for free! They have been spotted in several areas of Singapore. Please do not let them in, they are robbers.  Please foward to all your contacts, you might save a life. Make sure the front door is locked at all times.

Response from the Police
Police would like to advise the public against spreading unsubstantiated information which may generate unnecessary public alarm, causing fear and panic in the community.
Members of public can play a part to keep our home safe and secure by staying vigilant and reporting any suspicious persons or activities.
Anyone with information on suspected criminal activities can submit information via the I-Witness portal at All information will be kept strictly confidential. For urgent Police assistance, please call ‘999’.Thank you.
