The key Acts which CAD enforced are:
- Banking Act (Chapter 19)
- Bankruptcy Act (Chapter 20)
- Business Registration Act (Chapter 32)
- Commodity Trading Act (Chapter 48A)
- Companies Act (Chapter 50)
- Corruption, Drug Trafficking And Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act (Chapter 65A)
- Finance Companies Act (Chapter 108)
- Financial Advisors Act (Chapter 110)
- Insurance Act (Chapter 142)
- Legal Profession Act (Chapter 161)
- Monetary Authority of Singapore Act (Chapter 186)
- Money-Changing And Remittance Businesses Act (Chapter 187)
- Multi-Level Marketing & Pyramid Selling (Prohibition) Act (Chapter 190)
- Penal Code (Chapter 224)
- Residential Property Act (Chapter 274)
- Securities And Futures Act (Chapter 289)
- Skills Development Levy Act (Chapter 306)
- Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act (Chapter 325)
Depending on offences revealed in the course of investigation, CAD also prosecutes offenders under other Acts such as Computer Misuse Act (Chapter 50A), Central Provident Fund Act (Chapter 36), National Registration Act (Chapter 201), etc
Singapore Statutes Online: